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  • Writer's pictureMia Johnson

One Room Challenge Fall 2021 - Week 5

Movement in this room feels slow, but it is steady. This week's focus was painting the crown molding, definitely a task but worth it. It looks great! Thank you again to Creative Crown Molding for donating all the crown necessary for this project.

I also finalized the artwork for the space. I worked with artist Chanell Joy Fine Art. I probably say this every week, but I can't wait to reveal what she created! So good! The image below is just one of the pieces. I love working with other women-owned small businesses.

The sponsors for this project have been phenomenal, as I posted in my Instagram stories. I'm working with Shades of Light for some furniture pieces. The items were in stock at ordering. Then I was notified that they were on backorder until January. Which is well after the One Room Challenge is scheduled to end. Of course, panic set in. However, this week I received an email that they were shipped, and as I type this, one item has been received. Insert excited emoji.

I also am watching the other One Room Challenge participants and there are some awesome projects been completed. Follow them on Instagram to get a glimpse of what is happening.

See you next week!

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