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Mia Johnson
Sep 16, 20202 min read
DIY Joint Compound Vase Makeover
Ienjoy DIY projects, it is so cool being able to see something transform. I was once into clear glass vases for some reason, I have tons...

Mia Johnson
Jul 28, 20203 min read
Drop Cloth Slipcover! Why Not?
It all started with a dog! Well sort of, I've wanted a new sectional since we bought our home in 2018. Hubby convinced me to wait and...

Mia Johnson
Oct 22, 20192 min read
DIY: Sharpie Shiplap Budget Laundry Room Makeover
It‘a done! In 48hrs we made over our junky laundry room for $220 as part of the 2 Day $200 makeover challenge. I first saw this challenge...
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